Balanced/Unbalanced numbers (and iterations)

3 + 7 = 10 (Tereza Lochmann)

This 2018 mail to SeqFan suddenly popped up in my mailbox a few minutes ago, with a link to click — a link obviously not safe.
Anyway, the question hereunder remains interesting, I guess (I do not know if there has been any follow-up to this post on SeqFan as I was banned from the list a few years ago. If yes, please accept my apologies, but I couldn't find anything in the OEIS).


> Hello SeqFans, 
> let's call "Balanced" the integers of A036301 and "Unbalanced" the others.
> [A036301 = "Numbers n such that sum of even digits of n equals sum of odd digits of n."] 
>Take an Unbalanced and add to it its closest Balanced; if the result is Balanced, stop. 
> If the result is Unbalanced, iterate.
> Question:
> Do all Unbalanced end on a Balanced?
> Example with the Unbalanced "1": 

1 + 112 = 113
113 + 112 = 225 
225 + 211 = 436 
436 + 431 = 867 
867 + 871 = 1738 
1738 + 1744 = 3482 
3482 + 3476 = 6958 is Balanced. 

> Example with the Unbalanced "2": 

2 + 112 = 114 
114 + 112 = 226 
226 + 211 = 437 
437 + 431 = 868 
868 + 871 = 1739 
1739 + 1744 = 3483 
3483 + 3489 = 6972 
6972 + 6963 = 13935 
13935 + 14003 = 27938 
27938 + 27968 = 55906 
55906 + 55820 = 111726 
111726 + 111728 = 223454 
223454 + 223449 = 446903 
446903 + 446905 = 893808 
893808 + 893813 = 1787621 is Balanced. (if I made no mistakes) 

> P.-S. If there are two possible Balanced to be added to an Unbalanced (as this Unbalanced would stand at the same distance of the two Balanced) compute both branches. 
> Best, 
> É. 
> Brussels time and day 19:29 Dec 7, 2018 — Seqfan Mailing list

Next day update
Maximilian H. was quick to copy/paste to me the discussion the SeqFan list had 5 years ago. It started with the hereunder remark by Neil Sloane:

> On Sun, 9 Dec 2018, 11:40 Neil Sloane < > wrote:
> I liked it a lot until I came to the point about "if there are two choices,
> follow both branches".
> So this is a non-deterministic process: you have to keep track of all the
> descendants - all the children, grandchildren, ... - until one of them
> finds a happy marriage and produces a balanced child?

Maximilian proposed then this new definition:

> Let's call "Balanced" the integers of A036301 <
> (Numbers n such that sum of even digits of n equals sum of odd digits of n.)
> and "Unbalanced" the others.
> Take an Unbalanced and add to it its closest Balanced;
> if the result is Balanced, stop.
> if the result is Unbalanced, iterate.
> Question:
> Do all Unbalanced end on a Balanced?

Then came Zak Seidov:

> (...) replace "closest" by "next larger"


> ... good point!

... The challenge is now (June 28th, 2023) to answer this new question:

* Let's call "Balanced" the integers of A036301 <
(Numbers n such that sum of even digits of n equals sum of odd digits of n.)
and "Unbalanced" the others.
Take an Unbalanced and add to the next larger Balanced;
* – if the result is Balanced, stop.
* – if the result is Unbalanced, iterate.
Do all Unbalanced end on a Balanced?

... any taker?-))


(An unbalanced sketch by Tereza Lochmann)


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