Antidiagonals for Champernowne
The idea is to fill the upper left corner of a 2D square grid by its antidiagonals such that:
1) all terms of the table are > 0 and distinct;
2) to extend the table we always choose the smallest term not leading to a contradiction;
3) all rows of the table have the same pattern, which is the decimal expansion of Champernowne constant (A033307 in the OEIS).
The table:
S = 1,2,3,4,56,7,8910,11,121,31,415,161,7181,920,2122,12,34,5,6,78,9,101,1121,314,15,1617,18,19,20212,123,45,67,8,910,111,21,3141,51,61,71819,20,21222,1234,567,89,10,1112,13,14,151,617,181,9202,1222,12345,678,9101,112,131,41,516,17,1819,202,12223,123456,789,1011,1213,141,5161,71,81,92021,222,1234567,89101,11213,1415,16,171,819,2021,2223,12345678,91011,12131,4151,6171,181920,212,223,123456789,10111,213,14151,61718,1920,21223,12345678910,11121,1314,1516,1718,19202,123456789101,112131,41516,17181,920212,1234567891011,121314,15161,718,12345678910111,2131,415167,123456789101112,13141,1234567891011121,...
The same idea can be used for tables bringing into play the constants pi, e, square root of 2, square root of 3, the golden ratio, etc.
July 6th update:
Carole D. found an error in the above sequence, as S(13) should be 718... Indeed, sorry... and merci Carole! Here is what her Python turtle designed:
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