Max even and odd proper divisor

Consider the hereunder table where the largest even and odd proper divisors of N are highlighted:
Idea A
We subtract ev from N then add od to the result and iterate:
 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,...   loop
 2,3,4,3,4,3,4,3,4,...   loop
 3,4,3,4,3,4,3,4,3,...   loop
 4,3,4,3,4,3,4,3,4,...   loop
 5,6,7,8,5,6,7,8,5,...   loop
 6,7,8,5,6,7,8,5,6,...   loop
 7,8,5,6,7,8,5,6,7,...   loop
 8,5,6,7,8,5,6,7,8,...   loop
 9,12,9,12,9,12,9,12,... loop
10,13,14,19,20,15,20,... loop
11,12,9,12,9,12,9,12,... loop
12,9,12,9,12,9,12,9,...  loop
13,14,19,20,15,20,15,... loop
14,19,20,15,20,15,20,... loop
15,20,15,20,15,20,15,... loop
16,9,12,9,12,9,12,9,...  loop
17,18,21,28,21,28,21,... loop
18,21,28,21,28,21,28,... loop
19,20,15,20,15,20,15,... loop
20,15,20,15,20,15,20,... loop
21,28,21,28,21,28,21,... loop
22,31,32,17,18,21,28,... loop
23,24,15,20,15,20,15,... loop
24,15,20,15,20,15,24,... loop
25,30,39,52,26,37,38,55,66,77,88,55,... loop
26,37,38,55,66,77,88,55,66,77,88,55,... loop
27,36,27,36,27,36,27,... loop
28,21,28,21,28,21,28,... loop
29,30,39,52,26,37,38,55,66,77,88,55,... loop
30,39,52,26,37,38,55,66,77,88,55,88,... loop
31,32,17,18,21,28,21,... loop
32,17,18,21,28,21,28,... loop
33,44,33,44,33,44,33,... loop

Are we doomed to loop forever?
23.00 update#1
Giorgos Kalogeropoulos was quick to send this:

> Some quick results on  record-length chains


Midnight update#2

> I will just leave here some more records below 100000000

Merci Giorgos! Love those beautiful chain-records!
Next day update#2
Jean-Marc Falcoz has sent the hereafter interesting "trick" to produce quantities of terms arbitrarily as large as one wants before entering a loop: "Start with 5^k. For these terms, we obtain a sequence containing 2*k+2 terms before looping. For example for k = 3, 5^3 = 125 gives 2*3+2 terms : {125,150,175,210,245,294,343,392}, then 245..."

Un truc simple qui donne des records de longueurs arbitrairement grands "avant looping", c'est de commencer par 5^k. Pour ces termes,  on obtient une suite contenant  2*k+2 termes avant de boucler. Par exemple pour k = 3, 5^3 = 125 donne 2*3+2 termes : {125,150,175,210,245,294,343,392}, puis 245...

Pour k = 10, 5^10 = 9765625 donne  2*10+2 termes :
{976562511718750,136718751640625019140625229687502679687532156250375156254501875052521875630262507353062588236750102942875123531450144120025172944030201768035242121642282475249322828856}, puis 201768035

Par exemple pour k = 100, on obtient 202 termes :
puis 2310340364017684279531891263643012007755145142074732429238496665279779614026377185715, qui boucle.
Si on veut 1000 termes avant la boucle, on partira de 5^499.

JMF (cont.)
On part de n=5^k, (We start with n=5^k)
le terme suivant est (the next term is)
5^k - 0 + 5^(k-1) = 5^(k-1)*[5+1] = 6*5^(k-1), donc 6*n/5 (thus 6*n/5)
le terme suivant est (the next term is)
6*5^(k-1) - 2*5^(k-1) + 3*5^(k-1) = 7*5^(k-1), donc 7*n/5 (thus 7*n/5)
le terme suivant est (the next term is)
7*5^(k-1) - 0 + 7*5^(k-2) = 7*5^(k-2)*[5+1], donc n*(6*7)/(5*5) (thus n*(6*7)/(5*5))
... on continue ainsi, avec les puissances de 5 qui diminuent (elles sont au dénominateur) et les puissances de 7 qui augmentent. (... we continue like this, with the powers of 5 decreasing (they are in the denominator) and the powers of 7 increasing.)
On arrive à la boucle : 5*7^(k-1) , qui donne 
(We arrive at the loop: 5*7^(k-1), which gives)
5*7^(k-1) - 0 + 7^(k-1) = 6*7^(k-1), qui donne (which gives)
6*7^(k-1) -  2*7^(k-1) +  3*7^(k-1) = 7^k , qui donne (which gives)
7^k - 0 +  7^(k-1) =  8*7^(k-1) qui donne (which gives)
8*7^(k-1) - 4*7^(k-1) + 7^(k-1) = 5*7^(k-1) , et ça recommence. (and it begins again.)
Many thanks, Jean-Marc, very convincing method!

(Dall-e creation)
Idea B
(coming soon, lavoro in progresso) 

1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 3  5  1  6  1  7  5  8  1  9  1 10  7 11  1 12  5 13  9 14  1 15  1 16 11 17  7 18  1 19 13 20



  1. On peut remarquer le "dernier élément" des cycles records sont de la forme x = 8*7^k. Pour ces nombres, ev = 4*7^k et od = 7^k, d'où le successeur x' = (8-4+1)*7^k = 5*7^k => ev=0, od = x'/5 => x'' = (5+1)*7^k = 2*3*7^k => ev = 2*7^k, od = 3*7^k => x"' = (6-2+3)*7^k = 7^(k+1) => ev=0, od =7^k => x"" = 8*7^k = x, et la boucle est bouclée.

    1. *leS dernierS élémentS... On a (392, [2744], 19208, [134456], 941192, 6588344, 46118408, 322828856, 2259801992) = 8 * 7^(k = 2, 3, 4, ..., 10). Il est fort probable qu'un prochain record se produit avec 8*7^11 = 15818613944, etc.


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