Chess problems with initials
From the starting position of an orthodox chess game, we will try today to empty some columns of their pieces – and this as quickly as possible. We will try for example to empty below the columns a and e (these are the initials of the author and his father). Is it possible to use less than the 13 plies shown hereunder? ( ply is demi-coup in French) ( 1 ) a3–e5 ( 2 ) d4–Bxa ( 3 ) Kd2–Bxb ( 4 ) Rxa—exd ( 5 ) RxR—d3 ( 6 ) RxN—Kf8 ( 7 ) exd Columns a and e are now empty This idea was first submitted to the France Échecs chess forum on November the 28th around midnight – see here . My sister and my daughter have initials a and c . My brother a and d . Would you give them a try? Send your answers to eric dot angelini at skynet dot com (if you want). Best, É. ____________________ Update , November 30th 2022 For my daughter C . and for my sister, we need, I guess, at least 14 plies to clear the columns a and c : End position with the empty columns a and c 1. a4—b5 2. axb—Bb7 ...