Sums with palindromes

A palindrome (integer) in base 10 is an integer that remains the same whether read left to right or right to left, like 9, 55, 101 or 94200249 (OEIS

The seq S is the lexicographically earliest infinite seq of distinct positive integers such that all terms are palindromes but no sum [a(n) + a(n+1)] is a palindrome:
S = 1,9,3,7,5,8,2,11,4,6,22,88,44,66,77,33,99,55,101,909,111,...

The seq T is the lexicographically earliest infinite seq of distinct positive integers such that no term is a palindrome but all sums [a(n) + a(n+1)] are palindromes:
T = 10,12,21,23,32,34,43,45,54,47,19,14,30,25,41,36,52,49,17,16,...

Does a seq U of integers a(n) > 13 exist, if we want a(n) to be the difference between two palindromes?
Examples of such differences for a(n) < 14:
8=9-1; 9=11-2; 10=11-1; 11=22-11; 12=111-99; 13=101-88.


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