A self-binary array T
Hello Math Fun, Could someone compute a few more binary terms? I am stuck with S(21). Here is the idea : We build an array T and associate to T a sequence S of binary terms that is just T read by its successive antidiagonals [in short, the term S(k) is the binary representation of the base-10 T(k)]. It turns out that this sequence S is also the upper row of T. You will understand very quickly how T was lexicographically build by distinct nonnegative terms. We start T with 0: ..0 T is always extended by its successive antidiagonals with the smallest term not yet in T that doesn’t lead to a contradiction. ..0.....1.....a ..2.....b ..c Now, as we want the upper row to represent T in binary, we must assign to “a” the binary value of ‘2’, which is 10 [this 10 is the 3rd term of the upper row of the array and must thus represent T(3) in binary; as 10 is 2 in binary, we assign this 10 to the letter a]: ..0.....1.....10 ..2.....b ..c The only constraint on the ...