Philip Guston's primes

This clock comes from the beautiful Philip Guston's Catalogue raisonné (here)

I was wondering: how many prime numbers can I read taking a portion of this «raspberry tart»?
Well, I guess one might form the sequence G(uston):

G = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 23, 67, 89, 4567, ...

Of course, I immediately entered the above numbers into the OEIS – and got a hit:

This OEIS sequence led me to the famous Carlos Rivera «Prime Puzzles and Problems» (main entry here).
The puzzle #19 page displays a 23-year old comment from Tiziano Mosconi:

> Primes Clockwise:
> 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 23, 67, 89, 101, 4567, 10111, 67891, 89101, 789101, 4567891, 23456789, 56789101, 1234567891, 45678910111, 12345678910111, ...

... which doesnt quite fit the above OEIS entry.
The explanation comes from the fact that Moroni allows himself to split 10, 11 and 12 and keep only one digit... which is a good idea, ultimately (this is why 101, for instance, is accepted).
[This was already stated in the Comments section of A036342 but not understood by me.]

We could then say that the «real» G(uston) sequence is missing from the OEIS; we would accept that «The hours 10, 11 and 12 are taken 'uncomplete'».
Any taker?
Update a few hours later (after this was posted on Math-Fun):

Michael Branicky via 
6:17 PM (3 hours ago), to math-fun

>The data suitable for OEIS is:
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 23, 67, 89, 101, 4567, 10111, 67891, 89101, 789101, 4567891, 23456789, 56789101, 1234567891, 45678910111, 12345678910111,1112123456789101, 23456789101112123, 112123456789101112123, 891011121234567891011, 4567891011121234567891]
There are more terms – but a(59) has 1325 digits, so I stopped there.
Waow, great job! And MB has submitted this to the OEIS (here)! 
My Pentecost Monday is saved: life is too good (thanks to artists like Philip Guston, Neil Sloane and Michael S. Branicki !-)


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