Does this iteration end? (Sum and erase)


Does this iteration end?

The procedure is easy to understand; we take any integer N (for example N = 1124), make the sum S of its digits (S = 8 here) and concatenate S at the end of N (we get 11248).

We iterate from there until the leftmost digit d of N appears in S: we then erase all d’s of the last concatenation – and start from there a new iteration.




1124816 (hit: the digit d = 1 appears in S = 16)

2486 (we have erased all 1s of the last concatenation)

248620 (hit again: the digit d = 2 appears in S = 20)

4860 (we have erased all 2s of the last concatenation)




Wait, what happens if we bump into a leading zero? Let’s go on with our example to see the rule:

486018273645 (hit: the digit d = 4 appears in S = 45)





860182736546566780 (hit: the digit d = 8 appears in S = 80)


60127365465667064 (hit: the digit d = 6 appears in S = 64)

01273545704 (we have now a leading zero)

Rule: we leave the above string as it is and iterate from there, as we’ve done so far (the leading zero will appear at some point in some S)




0127354570438496270 (hit: the digit d = 0 appears in S = 70)



You’ve certainly noticed that the starting N of the above example (N = 1124) is nothing else but the beginning of the sequence starting with N = 11.

As all the sequences that start with 0 < N < 11 end almost immediately (N = 10, 101, 0), we could ask ourselves if the sequence produced by N = 11 ends at some point? Grows forever? Loops? Vanishes?

Forgive, as always, the typos left in this message/computations; I hope the idea is clear.




Update, a couple of hours after this was sent to Math-Fun:

[Michael Branicky]:

> Eric, I get it ending in the empty string after 1399142 steps


> Waooooow, Michael! > I'm k.o.! > Do you still have the longest string of yr computation? > And what about another start (like N = 12) > (no, just kidding!-) > Best, > É.


> Eric,

> starting at "11", the longest string encountered: 444444414144444454144444145454455155154545515454564756517555545657676664465677675961617616416561527541551562575592651853254255356658359962263264365667368971272273374676377982812823836853869892911922935952968991101010121016 (length 222)  

>"12" ends at step 384831  

>See for link to Python Notebook  



[Hans Havermann]:

>> [Eric asks]: "Do you still have the longest string of yr computation?"

>  I guess we can both check this against Michael's response. :) At step 1011800 we have the length-222 string: 444444414144444454144444145454455155154545515454564756517555545657676664465677675961617616416561527541551562575592651853254255356658359962263264365667368971272273374676377982812823836853869892911922935952968991101010121016  

[Hans to Eric]:

"At step 1011800 we have the length-222 string"

I didn't know we were starting with "11" (I started with "1124"). So it is at step 1011802. That explains my difference of 2 for the total number of steps before reaching the empty string

[Hans, exploring this idea further]:

The smallest number that does not disappear is 25.

step # 0 = 25 
step # 1 = 257 
step # 2 = 25714 
step # 3 = 2571419 step # 4 = 5714199
step # 5 = 571419936 step # 6 = 714199364
step # 7 = 71419936444 step # 8 = 7141993644452
step # 9 = 714199364445259 
step #10 = 141993644452593 ... step #209860 = 86690889849611111412012312914114719139152160167
    step #209861 = 669094961111141201231291411471913915216016711 ... step #776829 = 7577447547597444393374947933393373393543339337317383413493533735358374388474184314394554694885851481494511518532542553566583599622632643656673689712722733746763779828128238368538698929119229359529689911010101210161024103110361046
... step #793652 = 86688909849611111412012312914114719139152160167
    step #793653 = 669094961111141201231291411471913915216016711

The string at #209861 repeats at #793653 (but from a different precursor), creating a loop of length 583792. #776829 gives the maximum, which will of course repeat at #776829+583792n for positive n.

[Hans again, a couple of hours later on Math-Fun]: Eric's procedure appears to mostly vanish small starting integer strings but there are cycles: 25, 31, 63, 67, 69, 77, 92, 96, 99, 105, 109, 116, 133, 138, 148, 152, 161, 162, 163, 168, 174, 194, 197, 198, 206, ... run into them, or rather into it, since it's always the same length-583792 cycle, call it c3374 after its shortest string. Can anyone find any other cycle? 


... Beautiful discovery, Hans, many thanks!

See hereunder how an integer like 282 vanishes:

step #0 = 282
step #1 = 28212  (hit: the digit d = 2 appears in S = 12)
step #2 = 81
step #3 = 819
step #4 = 81918 (hit: the digit d = 8 appears in S = 18)
step #5 = 191
step #6 = 19111 (hit: the digit d = 1 appears in S = 11)
step #7 = 9
step #8 = 99 (hit: the digit d = 9 appears in S = 9)
step #9 = .. (vanishes)

The same 9-step vanishing would happen with 228, of course – but not with 822...

(to be continued?)


Yes! Hans wrote another couple of hours later:


"... it's always the same length-583792 cycle, call it c3374 after its shortest string. Can anyone find any other cycle?" I didn't think that there would be any short cycles, but I did find one: length-49, c5464644657500000011711019071641751. Here's how it goes: 

step #0 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751 step #1 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109 step #2 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119 step #3 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130 step #4 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134 step #5 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142 step #6 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149 step #7 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163 step #8 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173 step #9 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184 step #10 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197 step #11 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214 step #12 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221 step #13 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226 step #14 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236 step #15 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236247 step #16 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236247260 step #17 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236247260268 step #18 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236247260268284 step #19 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236247260268284298 step #20 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236247260268284298317 step #21 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236247260268284298317328 step #22 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236247260268284298317328341 step #23 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751109119130134142149163173184197214221226236247260268284298317328341349 step #24 = 46464467000000117110190716417110911913013414214916317318419721422122623624726026828429831732834134936 step #25 = 66670000001171101907161711091191301312191631731819721221226236272602682829831732831393635 step #26 = 700000011711019071171109119130131219131731819721221222327202828298317328313933530 step #27 = 700000011711019071171109119130131219131731819721221222327202828298317328313933530249 step #28 = 700000011711019071171109119130131219131731819721221222327202828298317328313933530249264 step #29 = 000000111101901111091191301312191313181921221222322028282983132831393353024926426 step #30 = 000000111101901111091191301312191313181921221222322028282983132831393353024926426228 step #31 = 11111911119119131312191313181921221222322282829831328313933532492642622824 step #32 = 11111911119119131312191313181921221222322282829831328313933532492642622824246 step #33 = 11111911119119131312191313181921221222322282829831328313933532492642622824246258 step #34 = 11111911119119131312191313181921221222322282829831328313933532492642622824246258273 step #35 = 11111911119119131312191313181921221222322282829831328313933532492642622824246258273285 step #36 = 11111911119119131312191313181921221222322282829831328313933532492642622824246258273285300 step #37 = 11111911119119131312191313181921221222322282829831328313933532492642622824246258273285300303 step #38 = 11111911119119131312191313181921221222322282829831328313933532492642622824246258273285300303309 step #39 = 99933293389222222322282829833283393353249264262282424625827328530030330932 step #40 = 99933293389222222322282829833283393353249264262282424625827328530030330932303 step #41 = 3323382222223222828283328333353242642622824246258273285300303303230330 step #42 = 282222222228282828524264262282424625827285000020021 step #43 = 282222222228282828524264262282424625827285000020021171 step #44 = 282222222228282828524264262282424625827285000020021171180 step #45 = 282222222228282828524264262282424625827285000020021171180189 step #46 = 8888854646844658785000000117118018907 step #47 = 8888854646844658785000000117118018907164 step #48 = 8888854646844658785000000117118018907164175 step #49 = 5464644657500000011711019071641751

Bravo and merci to Michael and Hans — both of you kill!
(this is now A359143)


  1. In case s/o is interested, here are "minimal representatives" of some more cycles I've found, and their length or size (number of elements in the cycle): 332 (size: 14072) ; 0999 (size: 624885) ; 3374 (size: 583792) ; 3933 (size: 10537) ; 083433 (size: 120621) ; 222227222772202078 (size: 1723) ; 5464644657500000011711019071641751 (size: 49, the one found by Hans).


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