Pi's digits with Pi's digits

Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095...

We want every digit of Pi to be the result of a "+" and "" operation involving the smallest number of its immediate successive single digits.

3 = -1+4                 (2 digits involved)
1 =  4+1+5-9             (4 digits involved)
4 = -1+5                 (2)
1 =  5+9-2-6-5           (5)
5 =  9+2-6               (3)
9 = -2+6+5               (3)
2 = -6+5+3               (3)
6 =  5-3+5+8-9           (5)
5 = -3-5-8+9+7+9-3+2-3   (9)
3 = -5-8+9+7             (4)

The above 10 operations involve 40 digits; this can surely be improved.
What about the 100 best successive such operations?
Update #1 a couple of hours later
Maximilian H. was quick to correct and compute the first 100 equations:
3 = -1+4
1 =  4+1+5-9
4 = -1+5
1 =  5+9-2-6-5
5 =  9+2-6
9 = -2+6+5
2 = -6+5+3
6 =  5-3+5+8-9
5 =  3+5+8-9+7-9
3 = -5+8
5 =  8+9-7-9+3-2+3
8 =  9-7+9-3
9 =  7-9-3-2-3+8-4+6+2+6+4-3
7 =  9-3-2+3
9 =  3-2-3-8+4+6+2+6+4-3
3 = -2-3+8
2 =  3-8+4-6+2+6+4-3
3 =  8-4+6-2-6+4-3
8 =  4+6-2
4 =  6-2
6 =  2+6+4-3-3
2 =  6-4
6 =  4-3-3+8
4 =  3+3-8-3+2+7
3 =  3
3 =  8-3-2
8 =  3-2+7
3 =  2+7-9+5+0-2
2 = -7+9
7 =  9+5+0-2-8+8-4-1
9 = -5+0-2+8+8
5 =  0+2-8+8+4-1
0 = -2+8+8-4-1-9
2 =  8+8-4-1-9
8 =  8
8 =  4+1+9-7+1
4 =  1+9-7+1
1 =  9-7-1
9 =  7-1-6+9
7 =  1+6
1 =  6-9+3+9-9+3-7+5
6 =  9-3
9 =  3+9-9+3+7-5+1
3 =  9-9+3
9 =  9
9 = -3+7+5
3 =  7-5+1
7 =  5-1+0-5+8
5 =  1+0+5-8-2+0+9
1 =  0-5+8-2
0 =  5+8+2+0-9+7-4-9
5 = -8+2+0+9+7+4-9
8 =  2+0+9-7+4
2 =  0+9-7
0 =  9-7+4-9+4+4-5
9 =  7-4+9-4-4+5
7 =  4-9+4+4-5+9
4 =  9-4+4-5
9 =  4-4+5+9-2-3
4 =  4
4 = -5+9
5 =  9-2-3+0-7+8
9 = -2-3+0+7+8-1
2 =  3+0+7-8
3 =  0+7+8+1+6+4+0-6-2-8-6-2+0-8+9
0 =  7-8+1
7 =  8-1
8 =  1-6+4+0-6+2+8+6-2-0-8+9
1 =  6-4+0-6+2+8-6+2+0+8-9
6 =  4+0+6-2-8+6
4 =  0+6-2
0 =  6+2-8
6 = -2+8
2 =  8-6
8 =  6+2
6 = -2+0+8
2 =  0-8+9+9-8
0 =  8-9+9-8
8 =  9-9+8
9 =  9
9 =  8-6+2+8+0-3
8 =  6+2
6 = -2+8
2 =  8+0+3-4-8-2+5
8 =  0+3+4+8-2-5
0 =  3-4+8-2-5
3 =  4-8+2+5
4 =  8-2-5+3
8 =  2+5-3+4
2 =  5-3
5 =  3+4-2
3 =  4-2+1
4 =  2+1+1
2 =  1+1
1 =  1
1 =  7+0-6
7 =  0-6-7+9+8+2+1
0 =  6-7+9-8
6 =  7-9+8
7 =  9-8+2-1+4-8+0+8+6-5


  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

    1. oops, my program forgot to add a "+" (or "-") in front of the 0's, Sorry, but I think one can easily guess!

    2. PS2: as you can see, there are shorter solutions than in your main text in particular for the 9th and 10th digit :
      5 = -3-5-8+9+7+9-3+2-3 (9) shorter: 5 = +3+5+8-9+7-9 (6)
      3 = -5-8+9+7 (4) shorter: 3 = -5+8 (2 -- and obvious!! ;-))

  2. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  3. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  4. another try :
    3 = -1+4
    1 = +4+1+5-9
    4 = -1+5
    1 = -5+9-2-6+5
    5 = +9+2-6
    9 = -2+6+5
    2 = -6+5+3
    6 = +5-3+5+8-9
    5 = +3+5+8-9+7-9
    3 = -5+8
    5 = -8+9-7+9+3+2-3
    8 = +9-7+9-3
    9 = -7-9-3-2+3+8+4+6+2+6+4-3
    7 = +9-3-2+3
    9 = -3-2+3-8+4+6+2+6+4-3
    3 = -2-3+8
    2 = +3-8+4-6+2+6+4-3
    3 = -8-4+6+2+6+4-3
    8 = +4+6-2
    4 = +6-2
    6 = +2+6+4-3-3
    2 = +6-4
    6 = +4-3-3+8
    4 = -3-3+8-3-2+7
    3 = +3
    3 = +8-3-2
    8 = +3-2+7
    3 = -2-7+9+5+0-2
    2 = -7+9
    7 = -9-5+0+2+8+8+4-1
    9 = -5+0-2+8+8
    5 = +0+2-8+8+4-1
    0 = -2+8+8-4-1-9 ********* ZERO !
    2 = +8+8-4-1-9
    8 = +8
    8 = +4+1+9-7+1
    4 = +1+9-7+1
    1 = +9-7-1
    9 = +7-1-6+9
    7 = +1+6
    1 = -6+9+3+9-9-3-7+5
    6 = +9-3
    9 = -3+9+9-3-7+5-1
    3 = +9-9+3
    9 = +9
    9 = -3+7+5
    3 = +7-5+1
    7 = +5-1+0-5+8
    5 = -1+0+5+8+2+0-9
    1 = +0-5+8-2
    0 = -5-8+2+0+9+7+4-9
    5 = -8+2+0+9+7+4-9
    8 = +2+0+9-7+4
    2 = +0+9-7
    0 = -9-7+4+9+4+4-5
    9 = -7+4+9+4+4-5
    7 = +4-9+4+4-5+9
    4 = +9-4+4-5
    9 = -4+4+5+9-2-3
    4 = +4
    4 = -5+9
    5 = +9-2-3+0-7+8
    9 = -2-3+0+7+8-1
    2 = +3+0+7-8
    3 = +0+7+8+1+6+4+0-6-2-8-6-2+0-8+9
    0 = -7+8-1
    7 = +8-1
    8 = -1-6+4+0-6+2+8+6+2+0+8-9
    1 = -6-4+0-6+2+8+6+2+0+8-9
    6 = -4+0+6+2+8-6
    4 = +0+6-2
    0 = +6+2-8
    6 = -2+8
    2 = +8-6
    8 = +6+2
    6 = -2+0+8
    2 = +0-8+9+9-8
    0 = +8-9+9-8
    8 = +9-9+8
    9 = +9
    9 = +8-6+2+8+0-3
    8 = +6+2
    6 = -2+8
    2 = +8+0+3-4-8-2+5
    8 = +0+3+4+8-2-5
    0 = +3-4+8-2-5
    3 = +4-8+2+5
    4 = +8-2-5+3
    8 = +2+5-3+4
    2 = +5-3
    5 = +3+4-2
    3 = +4-2+1
    4 = +2+1+1
    2 = +1+1
    1 = +1
    1 = +7+0-6
    7 = +0-6-7+9+8+2+1
    0 = +6-7+9-8
    6 = +7-9+8
    7 = -9-8+2+1+4+8+0+8+6-5


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