Yellow commas, pink, red, blue...

The hereunder seqs were inspired by this one – that I had completely forgotten (click on the sequence image to enlarge it):

[I think the Yellow Comma seq above shouldn't consider that the first term a(1) is "between" yellow commas. Strictly speaking, I prefer the behavior of the seqs below – and especially the Red one compared to the Yellow].

Here are the Pink Comma sequence and the Light Pink one:
« Color in pink the commas squeezed between two identical digits. The number of digits between pink commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »
Light pink
« Color in light pink the commas squeezed between two identical digits. The number of terms between light pink commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »

Next are the Gold Comma sequence and the Silver one:
« Color in gold the commas following a prime term. The number of digits between golden commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »
« Color in silver the commas following a prime term. The number of terms between silver commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »

Next are the Red Comma sequence and the Blue one:
« Color in red the commas following an odd digit. The number of digits between red commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »
« Color in blue the commas following an even term. The number of terms between blue commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »

Soon in the OEIS? Might be...


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