
Affichage des articles du juin, 2020

Prime squares and square squares

Hello Math-Fun, today we'll look for "prime squares" and "square squares". Definition 1 A "prime square" is a prime which is the sum of 4 integers. Those integers must occupy the 4 vertices of a geometric square formed by 4 cell-centers properly chosen on an infinite grid A (the 4 integers hereunder in the upper left corner, for instance, sum up to 11, which is prime). The type-A infinite grid is an infinite sector of the plane where the cells are labeled by the successive anti-diagonals like below: + --- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+---+---+ |   1  | 3 |  6  | 10|  15 | 21|  28 | 36|  45 | 55|  66 | 78|  91 |105| 120 |   | + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+--- + ---+---+. |   2 |  5   | 9 |  14 | 20|  27 | 35|  44 | 54|  65 | 77|  90 |104| 119 |   |   | + --- + ---+--- + ---+--- +...